Review: The Gospel and Same-Sex Marriage
And I shy away from conflict. Run.
What I didn’t realize—and this book made me realize—how much
I run from conflict. The book challenged me, stepped on my toes. Questioned.
That is what we need from this book. The book’s intent was
to equip the church to engage—perhaps it orients us to the subject, rather than
equipping with tools and responses. The advantage of that orientation is it is
for every one of us—I think sometimes we get daunted by the subject because we
feel we need to have all the answers, know the science and latest research, and
have read tomes, volumes, and journals on the subject. Read all what I
appreciated at my review here.
There are many things I’d like to share from this book. But
this was my prayer for me, for us that I took from it: May we not run. May we
instead present FOR. May we so be FOR marriage and so present the beauty and
the wonder of God’s design for marriage, delve into the delight of marital
intimacy, that it burns before the world. That society wants the kind of
marriages that the Bible holds forth. That our world wants to know the God who
is the Great Designer who blesses and desires flourishing, the God who woos us.
May we be so FOR marriage that the gospel is truly lived out as married
Christian couples love, trust, sacrifice, honor, submit powerfully, lead
This goes back to an essential question (as the book
contributors pulled out)—What is marriage? What
is it that we are we for? Is it just a moral behavior? Is it just something
that is right, one of the Ten Commandments? Is it just for children? Is it just
about families? Is it just about the basic building block of society? All good
But listen, listen—marriage points to the heartbeat of God:
A God who before creation was one being in three persons.
Marriage—one flesh, two persons. Can we show forth a marriage that shows
glimpse into the perfect union of God?
A God who makes a covenant unto death for his people. A God
who pursues adulterous/idolatrous Israel. Buys Gomer/Israel back. Marriage—“until
death do us part.” Can we show that covenantal love?
A God who is love in his essence (1 Jn. 4:8) and delighted
to share that love, pouring it out into others. Marriage—a love that gives
A God who washes his disciples’ feet in powerful sacrificial
leadership. His leadership is the kind that does not quench a smoldering wick
or break a bruised reed. His headship is one that gives all for his wife, his
bride, even his own blood. His leadership is one that gave truth and grace.
Marriage—a husband leading sacrificially for the good of his family.
A God who submits under his Father, who said “Not my will
but your will be done because I trust you, I trust your love, your wisdom, your
leadership.” Marriage—a wife who submits joyfully because she knows her
husband, trusts, sees his love for her.
A God who washes his people, cleanses them, clothes them
with the fine linen of the saints. Marriage—a couple who sanctifies each other,
pursues holiness together, forgives, gives grace.
And I could go on. This is our great God! The God of
blessing, delight, love, sacrifice. Is this WHO our marriage shows? Marriage is
primarily not about WHAT, but about WHO.
But how do we show FOR? Not just political advocacy. If we
are going to be FOR, it takes trust in the Father that marriage is good even
when the anger and conflict are high. It takes trust in a God who united (Mat.
If we are going to be FOR, it takes commitment individually.
It takes a practical outworking of marriage classes, retreats, counseling,
preaching the gospel, giving sacrificially to couples to help them make it
work. It takes not running away from our friends in conflict, getting messy,
tearful, “God, why? Where?”
If we are going to be FOR, it takes community. Making the
church into a true community where masks can come down, marital struggles can
be shared.
Will we be FOR? FOR our God, our Husband?
“Fear not, for you will not be ashamed…. For your Maker is your
husband, the LORD of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your
Redeemer….. with everlasting love I will have compassion on you, says the LORD,
your Redeemer” (Isa. 54:4a, 5, 8b).
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