Fight, victor.
Flee or freeze, victim.
But the violet….
Bittersweet—the bittersweet vine is victor, climbing and
clawing its way to the crown of the tree, claiming. It flags out its red
berries in triumph.
Tumbleweed—victim is the tumbleweed, the debris discarded
into dust. Uneasily it drifts, here, there, in self-pity never certain.
But the violet….
Culture calls us to be either victim or victor.
Victor! The American I-can-do. Self-help. Protection.
Security. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You deserve a car, Jet Ski,
the two-door garage suburb.
Victim! Self-pity. It’s circumstances, environment. The way
I was raised. The way I was born. If I just had more self-esteem.
I saw a friend choose the road of victor this week and crash. I saw my own heart tendency to flee and freeze this week. In marriages, with children, with prayer requests before God, in big and little conflicts and decisions of life--victor or victim. Honestly, boil it down—the victim is just the victor in areas of defeat; the victor is just the victim in areas of success. They both operate from the same
I saw a friend choose the road of victor this week and crash. I saw my own heart tendency to flee and freeze this week. In marriages, with children, with prayer requests before God, in big and little conflicts and decisions of life--victor or victim. Honestly, boil it down—the victim is just the victor in areas of defeat; the victor is just the victim in areas of success. They both operate from the same
But the violet….
Storms. Threats. Financial bills. House payments. Prodigal
children. Illness. The victor comes out in us—we’ll weather the storm. Protect
ourselves, lash back verbally, passive aggressive, stone wall to make them
regret it. We’ll make sure the government gives us its dues, we get our own. We
set out on Dave Ramsey courses and declare we are getting it together. Advise,
nag, read all the self-help books. We take control. Teeth-gritted. Bittersweet
Bow our head underneath the storm. Cower, appease, concede,
withdraw in conflict. Throw up our hands, let others take care of it, wring our
hands, fall into depression. Prayers cease in silent despair, truth is hidden
underneath the rug. Shame. Guilt. Tumbleweed.
But the violet….

Violet valued. The violet rests in being valued. Not a
brilliant robed red and yellow garnet jeweled bittersweet that yet kills its
host tree. Not a self-pity, inward turned ball of tumbleweed that bounces
around in its own felt unwelcome. Not that she is much, not that her
heart-shaped leaves and humble little flower are much. But she is in the
garden, valued. So she shakes her quiet little head and steadfastly sends down
her roots, right where the gardener has planted her. Loved.
Violet ultimately knows she is nourished, protected. Trusts.
Not fight for herself from herself like the victor. Not flee or freeze in
self-protection like the victim. The gardener knows. Cares. He tends. He
shelters. He covers from the frost. He has planted her there for a reason.
Fight, victor bittersweet.
Flight or freeze, victim tumbleweed.
But fight and flight are not the only two options.
The violet—
In faith valiantly
she stands her ground,
knowing she is valued and loved,
trusting the Gardner.
"boil it down—the victim is just the victor in areas of defeat; the victor is just the victim in areas of success. They both operate from the same seat of self."
ReplyDeleteVery true. I remember years ago the Lord showing me that me fears, insecurities, & low self esteem was just another form of pride. As is the pull yourself up by your bootstraps American mentality.
Faith & trust in Jesus, his strength, his power, his plan is the narrow way we so easily wander from.
Thanks for sharing so faithfully.
As always ..........enjoyed these thoughts. You amaze me so with your God given talent to think and write.