“To whom then will you liken
It is he who sits above the
circle of the earth,
and its inhabitants are like
who stretches out the heavens
like a curtain,
and spreads them like a tent to
dwell in;
who brings princes to nothing,
and makes the rulers of the earth
as emptiness”
(Isaiah 40:18a, 22-23).
Who can stand against us? My frail little body caught up in
the physical body of the Lord Jesus, the Risen Reigning King. King of all
power. United with the Creator God, for he who is joined to the Lord becomes
one spirit with him (1 Cor. 6:17). My body, the church body, the home for the
God before whom nations are but a drop in the bucket (1 Cor. 6:19; Jn. 14:23; Isa.
For we follow in the same footsteps by the same Spirit of
our Carpenter King. Isaiah describes our King:
“I gave my back to those who
and my cheeks to those who pull
out the beard;
I hid not my face
from disgrace and spitting.
But the Lord God helps me;
therefore I have not been
therefore I have set my face like
a flint,
and I know that I shall not be
put to shame.
He who vindicates me is near”
(Isaiah 50:6-8a)

Like flint—Jesus born of a virgin questioned who-is-this?
can-it-be? nah-yes-who-knows? reputation against the prestigious religious
leaders, the wealthy Sanhedrin. He, outcast and unaccepted by the majority,
walks past the gleaming white marble temple of the ancient wonder of Herod’s
temple. Like flint, against all the glory of the accepted religious
Like flint—Jesus the carpenter walks down the Jerusalem
streets and the demons shriek out in hellish tones, “We know who you are, the
Holy One of God!” The forces of evil dance around, plague, fiery darts through
the tongues of religious leaders, the tongues of Peter and his best friends
(Mat. 16:23). Could Jesus, full of the Spirit, see the kingdom of darkness envelope?
But like flint, against all the hurricane forces of Evil, legions of darkness,
and the beautiful, hell-bound Archangel himself.
Our God is higher—our God who in flesh set his face like
flint, overlooked, rejected, unseen, so small in face of Rome, Religion, and
Like flint—for us. To the cross, to victory. Descended, to
be higher. And my quivering little steps and questions are in his heart, and
his heart is mine. The persecutions of ISIS, the international horrors, the
hurricanes, the injustices of broken systems in schools and courts, hearts and
souls and bodies broken by the abuse of Evil. But we are in this Son of Man,
Son of God before the throne. Even now, his same flint courage of trust in the
Father, trust in the Most High God, is mine. Not for me, not by me, but in his
name, his character, his life, in union, my frail little physicality steps up.
Strength. Flint. He has won. He has. I trust.
Our God is higher.
Who can stand against us in him?
*In what specific circumstance is the Lord filling you with courage that he is higher?
*Celebrate his triumph and victory for you today!
*In what specific circumstance is the Lord filling you with courage that he is higher?
*Celebrate his triumph and victory for you today!
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