
You have a
pressing question on how to forgive, chained by unforgiveness, bearing the shackles of
bitterness. Where do you go? Past the Ivy League schools of psychology, the glassy-paned
counseling offices. Past Judge Judy rattling on the flat screens. You
check past the security guard, are escorted past barb wires, alarms, security
and down into the cell of a prisoner—his hard heart melted by being forgiven,
his eyes welled up with love for those who hurt him. The prisoner who knows the
Lord of forgiveness and forgives as he is forgiven (Col. 3:13).
You have a
pressing question about freedom. Where do you go? Past the theories of Derrida
and Foucault and the postmodern cry for freedom. Past the protestors on the
streets. Leave the country of liberty. Across the ocean to an enclosed cell, no light, rats scurrying, no
toilet, water and a few pieces of rice to a persecuted Christian imprisoned for
their faith. The Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of light, is in that dark hole,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (1 Cor. 3:18).
God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong, the foolish to shame the wise. Oh Father, I am humbled. I so often have knowledge. I’ve studied. But I have so much to learn from the ex-addict, the mother standing in faith, the once-beaten-and-bruised but now strong, my brothers and sisters from different walks. Father, grant me a humble spirit to always see past the glitter to the real. Let me learn. Let me see you where you shine forth, no matter the vessel. Blessed are they, for theirs is the kingdom of God.
And you--to those struggling with the daily, the questions, not-having-it-all-together, falling in-between the cracks sometimes, without answers--the Spirit of glory is on the weak. The Spirit of wisdom is on the searching. The Spirit's filling on the hungry. For yours is the kingdom.
God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong, the foolish to shame the wise. Oh Father, I am humbled. I so often have knowledge. I’ve studied. But I have so much to learn from the ex-addict, the mother standing in faith, the once-beaten-and-bruised but now strong, my brothers and sisters from different walks. Father, grant me a humble spirit to always see past the glitter to the real. Let me learn. Let me see you where you shine forth, no matter the vessel. Blessed are they, for theirs is the kingdom of God.
And you--to those struggling with the daily, the questions, not-having-it-all-together, falling in-between the cracks sometimes, without answers--the Spirit of glory is on the weak. The Spirit of wisdom is on the searching. The Spirit's filling on the hungry. For yours is the kingdom.
“At that
time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you
have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to
little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will” (Mt. 11:25-26,
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