Have you seen the glory of the King? We have not truly glimpsed it until we are crushed by our little worship. How tiny it is compared to what he is worthy! Oh, my Lord! Weeps the heart with longing to give all, and weeps the heart with joy to come before GOD.

Then my heart leaped still to greater bounds when I realized as well as instead, so too within by the Spirit he changes, transforms. My heart becomes purer, my worship becomes more Christlike. God produces himself-likeness in us!
Recently, my heart is still trembling at with. Not only instead, within, but with, co-, together. Paul had to coin new words in Greek to express the togetherness, such as in “raised with him” and “seated us with him.” With. Co-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17). Co-! Co- with him! Not just he hands us stuff, but co-with-him. For there is nothing apart from Christ. There is no distribution system; it is all in Christ. Only by union with the Son of Man and Son of God can we see the promises that are Yes in him (2 Cor. 1:20-21).
So not only does he render the perfect, most beautiful, adoring, praise-filled, love-brimming worship to his Father, not only does he truly by the Spirit produce that in me, but in my worship I am caught up in him and we sing together. We praise together. We worship his Father and our Father together. We delight in the Spirit together. Jesus brings me into his own love for the Father, sharing that delight--that eternal, everlasting, God-greating delight--with me. Tiny little me.
Amazing grace, how deep the well,
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found
in Triune ecstasy.
Tis grace that never can be plumbed,
and grace forevermore,
more precious now does grace appear,
than when I first believed.
What has he been impressing on you lately about his presence? I’d love to hear your thoughts too!
Hadn't quite thought so deeply until reading this but "with" would also be my answer. We will fish together. We will use our strength together. We will walk this road together. "Gramma, did you forget to invite Jesus?" With!