Sinking and Saving

Was he kneeling on the mountain in the same storm? Did the same wind whip around him, whisking his words off his lips and cloud-chariots taking them up to heaven? In the same storm, he prayed. What do you think he prayed? What would have been on his heart and mind?
Perhaps echoes of the Lord’s Prayer, “Protect them from the evil one,” strains from Luke 22:31, “I have prayed that your faith will not fail,” and foreshadows of John 17, “Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name.” Perhaps he was praying for them, over them, in the same storm. As they rowed and fought and feared, he was interceding.
What might that prayer have sounded like? I do not know, and I would love to hear what you think it might have been. But perhaps, to tread on holy ground of our Savior’s prayers, perhaps:
“Father, thank you that you will turn their fear to worship (14:33). Thank you that you will reveal me to them in a new way. I pray that they understand, that the eyes of their heart, will be opened more. I pray that their faith will not fail and they will keep their eyes fixed on you. I pray they recognize the futility of their own straining and come to a greater rest in you. Thank you that you will send me to them to comfort them--I will walk in their storm, and come to them in the storm. Thank you for the faith that you will give Peter to walk on water. Father, thank you that though his faith will fail, mine will not--I will keep my eyes on you through our storm. I will walk on the water by faith in you, the One who sustains me. My faith will be Peter’s saving faith as I catch his sinking hand. Thank you, Father.”
He will come to you in your storm. And Jesus’ perfect response even now as the Son is your response in him. He renders a perfect faith now on your behalf. His faith is your saving faith.
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