Active Shepherd

The March-April winds still blow last year's fall leaves at random, whirlish circles, tossed and turvy, high and drop, flip and slap.

The winds of COVID, economics, rules and regulations seem to push us at random. Separation from loved ones, funerals and weddings disrupted, new babies not cradled by their charmed grandparents. Globally, hunger and starvation as prices roar.

Helpless, separated, alone--like leaves at the bitter wind's whim.

But Jesus saw us, and had compassion on us, like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36).

The Good Shepherd who will lead us through the wilderness to green pastures. And not only goes before us, but so committed is he, he pursues us with his goodness and mercy (Psalm 23:6). The Hebrew seems to personify these attributes of his, so essential they are to him. It also conveys an active, intentional pursuit. He is eager to send his goodness and mercy to us.

A good Shepherd who is so purposeful, he lays down his life (John 10:11).

A good Shepherd who carries the weak in his arms (Isaiah 40:11).

My friend, our Good Shepherd will not rest until he has you in his arms. He is active this moment, reigning from heaven, with macroscopic and microscopic in mind, with cosmos and children, with all and with you in his mind. He is active in guiding you, today.

The fallen leaves of this fallen world will be restored--and there will be leaves of healing and the tree of life (Revelation 22:2). Our Shepherd is active.


  1. So good to be in the arms and care of the good shepherd!


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