end of the beginning

Well, it’s been six months. I thought that the latter half of my trip would just fly by—and it did. How do you sum up 6 months?

I can name of places, people, churches, ministries, etc. that I know. But I can’t communicate all that they mean to me. I can say that God has been faithful in meeting my needs—but to tell all of the ways would take pages. God has been good. I have learned more and more that He is Almighty, Todopoderoso.

Perhaps this last weekend is a good summary of some of what I learned—and plus, it’s a new experience.

God’s provision: God provided—once again for another need—for a ride to San Pedro Sula in answer to prayer. He provided a place to stay with another missionary couple, and an incredible opportunity to learn more about what he is doing in Honduras to provide for the needs of some of the neglected in Honduras. I was able to visit a soup kitchen ministry, which provides showers and meals to the homeless, beggars, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc.—the Word of God first, and then food. (http://manosunidasencristo.com/index.php)

God’s gift of language: I was privileged—and challenged—to walk around and greet people. I met some deportees from the US, some addicts, drunks….I tried to share what Christ had done for me and what He had done in my life to transform me. Times when you really recognize you have to depend on the Holy Spirit to speak through you!!

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints; and for me that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Eph. 6:18-19).

God’s love: I have been challenged to really see God’s love for the lost. It is more than a nice, warm thing. There are people who hurt, who murder, who step on your toes, who are different…”But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Do I have this same love? Am I willing to love with this same love? It is a love that gave all, that demands all…

God’s vision: Truly God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts, but neither is His vision our vision most of the time. I think He sees the potential and the sinfulness of people more clearly than we see. He sees the heart, after all. But I also think that He sees the Church in a different light than we often see it. There are many people who are angry at the church. Many see it as an institution. Many see it as broken and in need of fixing. But do we really see it as His glorious bride? I think I sometimes just get glimpses of God’s zeal for His church (Ef. 6:25-26, 29).

I also feel that God is working in Honduras. I can’t see it clearly—but then those things are too big for me anyway. I get such a sense that we are on a cusp of something—all I can do is hold on and see where God takes us!

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that working in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” (Eph. 3:20-21).

God’s timing: One of the big, challenging lessons for me was God’s timing—and not my control! I don’t think that a single day went as I planned. Just a small example of the way things work—at the soup kitchen, the electricity went out twice. How can you run showers and cook food for 80 people when there is no electricity? More serious than that, they keep a television show running while people are waiting—which doesn’t sound important, but for them, this was a way to keep people calm and entertained. If they are bored and impatient, trouble brews.

For me personally, I like my plans, my control, and my routines. Mom laughs that God sent me to a place where this is changed so radically. Time is different; tasks take second place to relationships. All of this challenged me. Especially when it came to the future—I wanted a clear plan, clear steps to take. God knew all along, and He knew the timing—but He didn’t let me know even the next step until 5 months into my trip, 5 months of prayer, and 1 month or less before I had to leave. I was impatient to make plans, take steps, etc. God asked me to wait for his timing. I am still learning to confide and trust in Him, but am definitely growing to trust Him more than myself and to see Him as faithful.


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