Becoming salvation

The Lord is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation;
this is my God, and I will praise him,
    my father's God, and I will exalt him.

Exodus 15:2

He has BECOME our salvation. In English, at least, it is a progressive verb, becoming.... he is active in saving, in bringing about your salvation. He is unfolding it now. 

He HAS become....  We know and are certain he is working for us because we see his love for us demonstrated on the cross. While we were still enemies... he laid down his life... we love because he first loved us... If he did not spare his own Son.... For God so loved.... Again and again, the Bible emphasizes we know the love of God in Christ. Christ has secured, once and forever (Hebrews), our salvation. We rest assured in that. God is for us. 

HE has become.... God himself is our salvation, whatever else comes our way, He is our salvation and He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. No matter whether the cancer goes away, whether health is restored, whether the family is reconciled, if the situation works out, if the money is provided, He is our salvation. He gives us the gift of himself, and uses these trials to build an eternal glory so we may be with him. 

So we exalt. 

Has become our salvation.... Be coming, salvation... Becoming beautiful Savior.


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