Step In
Standing in the water.
Spirit washes down.
Voice thunders, "This is my Beloved Son."
Did Jesus pause at the brink of the Jordan River? No fun rush into a playful splash. Nor was it all about the fanfare of public proclamation that he was the Son of God.
He was also the Lamb.
He was also the Son of Man.
As the Lamb and Son of Man, Jesus willingly choose to step into my judgment, the baptism of repentance. He choose to immerse himself in my shame and sins and identify with me. The names I’ve been called, he took
those. The shame that I bear for my mistakes and sin and rebellion, he took
those. He said, "I want to." What I tremble beneath and hide and balk under and feel burdened, he said, "I want to, for you." He took them.
Spirit washes down.
Voice thunders, "This is my Beloved Son."
Did Jesus pause at the brink of the Jordan River? No fun rush into a playful splash. Nor was it all about the fanfare of public proclamation that he was the Son of God.
He was also the Lamb.
He was also the Son of Man.
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by Wojciech Gerson |
Addict - now on him. On us, free.
Bankrupt - on him. On us, riches of glory.
Jailed - on him. On us, citizen of heaven.
Inconvenience - on him. On us, chosen.
As Lamb and the Son of God, Jesus completely surrendered to the Father. Completely trusted. Completely surrendered to the fears that seem to rock my
boat—rejection, apparent failure, physical pain, loneliness, abandonment, no
place to lay his head and neediness. How can I not trust? How can I withhold
anything from him and not surrender all? I fear sometimes what God will ask of
me—and he may ask a lot. My life is not my own. But I will never be alone—I have
a Savior who was immersed in my sin so I could be immersed in his life and hope
and joy and promises. Will he ask a lot? Perhaps. But never more than he gives.
The voice from heaven reverberated, "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased" but it reverberates with Old Testament themes of Genesis 22, Isaac the beloved son, the sacrifice. Of the Suffering Servant in whom Yahweh was well pleased (Isaiah 42:1), who poured out his life.
My God, may I surrender all! How can I withhold! But I fear.
But Jesus stepped in.
And I only step in his steps, surrounded by all the promises that find their yes in him. (2 Cor. 1:20-22).
Step in.
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