Genie & Glory
“Sure, Jesus. I’ve got to get going. I’m going to be late if
I don’t get. And oh, gosh, do I need a cup of coffee….”
Later, “Papers, check. Cell phone, check. The note for
Sharon, check. Lunch, check. Coffee in a travel mug, check. Good to go, I’m out
the door, not a minute to spare.” Sue drops her bag into the passenger seat,
plugs her coffee mug into the holder, puts the car in gear and backs up.
“D—“ Sue bites her tongue—“Darn it! I need gas! Won’t make
it to work!”
Sue careens into the gas station, jumps out, pumps the gas,
runs into the gas station to pay. Brushes past the cashier’s cheery good
morning, and jumps into the car again. “Now, off to work. Jesus, help me catch
all the green lights!”
"Sue!" The voice could have thundered. The same voice that commands the stars in their courses. The same voice that caused the land to heave itself from the waters in Genesis.
But did this voice thunder?
Quiet whisper.
“Sue, I know you are anxious about getting to work on time. But Sue...."
“Jesus, I don’t have time for this... Just get me to work, just make it all work out right, just make things go in my favor!"
“Sue. I am not a genie. I am here to transform you for the
praise of my glory. I am here to conform you to my image, so that all things
are under my head, for the praise of my glory. Discipline. Suffering. Cross. I am here to bring my kingdom
through you, for the praise of my glory. I am here to work all things according
to the purpose of my Father’s will, for the praise of my glory.”
Which is our Jesus?
No wonder the world only sees Jesus as one among many.
The Blazing Eyed One who holds the Keys of heaven and earth
reduced to a genie.
He is not here for my comfort. Yet, he washes my feet. Works for my good. Promises abundant life. Will lead us out in joy. (Jn. 13; Isa. 64:4 and Rom. 8:28; Jn. 10:10; Is. 55:12).
But he is GOD.
My Lord, let you define. Long, your name and renown are the desire of my heart (Isa. 26:8).
Whether in life or in death, may your name be exalted (Phil. 1:21)
He is not here for my comfort. Yet, he washes my feet. Works for my good. Promises abundant life. Will lead us out in joy. (Jn. 13; Isa. 64:4 and Rom. 8:28; Jn. 10:10; Is. 55:12).
But he is GOD.
My Lord, let you define. Long, your name and renown are the desire of my heart (Isa. 26:8).
Whether in life or in death, may your name be exalted (Phil. 1:21)
The cross
rips away the idea of a genie as it call us to follow
a Savior with lash-ripped skin;
pierces the puffed up, emptiness of self-vanity
by the beckoning of our Savior's pierced hands.
Glory revealed on a cross.
The wisdom of God.
Lord Jesus,
Help me see your glory,
Not a genie.
Cry out,
let me see your beauty
in your blood.
Help me be filled
by the wine-blood and broken-body-bread.
My GOD, my GOD.
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