“. . . looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2, ESV).
His life on earth was our life because we are presently united to him (2 Cor. 5:21).
His death was ours because we are united to him (Rom. 6).
His present life is available to us because we are presently united to him.
Step back. Jesus, the Risen Lord, still in a Jewish male body before the throne of God. Still with the nail scars on his hand. Although transfigured with a glory beyond what we can imagine, it is a glory that the human frame is destined for, that Jesus already has--even with hair like snow, feet like bronze, eyes like a flame of fire, his face like the sun (Rev. 1). Oh, see him!
But what kind of peace does his have now? What kind of joy does he have now? What kind of love and belovedness does he have at this moment (I know he’s beyond time but)? What kind of faithfulness is he giving to the Father at the present?
And all these he mediates to us.

In my unbelief, “Jesus, your present faithfulness you render on my behalf. You say to your Father, ‘She is mine and I am hers, and all I of mine is hers and all of hers is mine. Her unbelief, Father, I have born. My faithfulness I give to her; the faithfulness that I now, I now even give to you in perfect love--Father! For you are worthy!--I give on her behalf.” And my eyes, caught in this, and unbelief falters and falls and melts.
Today, in this moment, for whatever you need, Jesus’s present life is mediated to you, it is available to you. For you are his, and all of his--what he has now--is yours. Receive.
*These are rich strains found in John Calvin, Martin Luther, the early church Fathers.
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