From Honduras

A further picture of life, and praises and prayer for Mark and Michelle Fittz (the missionaries at the seminary I will be at) in Honduras.
"Since we serve a risen King who is still at work in this world, here is a quick list of PRAISES about what the Lord is doing in Honduras! Rejoice with us!" ~ Mark Fittz
They are receiving new tools for the Seminary to equip future pastors with a trade!
A new well drilling rig will be sent down to the seminary to help meet the HUGE need of water in their churches and ministry sites.
A local Honduran, J--, came to the Lord through one of their house repair projects in conjunction with the Hope coffee sales, and a local church.
A northern church that last year's team worked with has doubled in size, and added 8 new believers! The widow's house was completed; 7 homes have received new floors.
To date, they have been able to build two homes, repair close to thirty homes, and have seen numerous Hondurans surrender their lives to the Lord and become our brothers and sisters in Christ through the Hope Coffee outreach. (If you are interested in buying some of this coffee to support their ministries, visit
They ask for prayer, and I am privileged to join my voice with theirs before the throne of grace, and I hope that you will join us too.
For the church pastor and his wife in Tegucigalpa--the church cannot afford to pay the pastor, but his wife is pregnant and due to a previous miscarriage, has to have treatments with a doctor. They do not know how they will pay for this. Pray for faith and strength as they continue to serve; for the protection of this little boy in the womb and for the mother. Mark from the seminary introduced an idea to help the church become economically sustainable; pray for this effort and for the funds to begin it.
For Mark and Michelle's wisdom as they faithfully serve the LORD and the HUGE amount that the Lord is doing, and for the many rising needs that exist within the churches. Pray for their wisdom, guidance, strength--I am amazed at their trust and faith in the Lord despite what can be overwhelming sometimes!
For their financial provision.
For God's continued guidance with the Hope Coffee project.
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