Candle of Peace: Ruth 2
Ruth and Naomi, back in the Promised Land, and following God’s provision for the poor, Ruth goes to glean (pick up the leftover harvest. The hidden hand of God: She gleans in Boaz’s field. Boaz, a go’el (meaning “redeemer”) a relative who through marriage can restore honor, a name, good-standing, security to Ruth and Naomi’s shame, outcastness, poverty, instability.Peace in comfort, food, protection, provision. Christ, the true Boaz, who shelters us under his wings, who provides more bountifully than Boaz ever could. Peace in good-standing and acceptance with God, bearing his own name and honor.
How do you feel Christ covering you under the shadow of God’s wings? (Ps. 17:8; 36:7; 57:1; 63:7; Matt. 23:37).
Where are your neighbors hungering for peace?
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