Candle of Hope: Ruth 1
The Candle of Hope - Ruth Chapter 1
I wrote this for Neighborhood Church, Adrian, MI but I wanted to share it with the rest of my family as well.
The book of Ruth opens in hopelessness. In the time of the judges (see the book of Judges) when Israelites were in a cycle of rebellion and oppression. A family finds themselves in a dire situation (1:1-4). Famine. Need. Hunger. Exiles in a foreign land. Not belonging. Sinful--they should not have married Moabite wives. Death. Widowhood. Poverty. Bitterness. A Moabite, an ethnicity with a shameful background and thus excluded.
And us--where is the dark stronger than the light of advent hope right now?

Spirit, we pray you open our eyes to your gleams of light in our dark and in our neighborhood.
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