Gifts of Grace

I was overwhelmed by gratefulness the other day...What a privilege to serve our Lord and go to Honduras! Sometimes, we feel that obedience, serving, ministering can be a drag....It demands self-sacrifice. But it is also a gift.

It is a gift of pure, undeserved merit. It is a gift o f grace.

Grace--He still uses me despite sins, failures, faults, and my letting him down in the past.

Grace--As a humble, sinful creature, to have been created before time with a purpose in something bigger than myself, to know that He has a plan.

"I became a servant of this gospel by the GIFT of GOD's GRACE given me through the working of HIS POWER. Although I am less than the least of all God's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Eph. 3:7-8).

What a God we serve! Who unites people for one passion, for one purpose....before the beginning of time and far beyond our understanding. Stop and reflect for a moment how God may choose to use you to make an ETERNAL difference. Stand amazed, and watch what God is doing.

"Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told" (Hab. 1:5).

These amazing things were done by people...done in daily and mundane details....What am I a part of now? I may never see the big picture, but may I be faithful and obedient in the small things.

Above all, may my gift be to serve Him for His glory in the minute and major.

"Yes, LORD, walking in the ways of your laws, we wait for you; YOUR NAME and RENOWN are the DESIRE of our HEARTS" (Is. 26:8).


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